
The social origins of terrorism SOC105 - Lehigh University

What is terrorism and its causes? This course explores the roots of terrorism sociologically. It offers critiques of common theories of terrorism and presents several analytic tools for better understanding the phenomenon. In doing so, students are able to explore the social, historical, political, and religious roots of terrorism

Course Goals

The goal of the course is simple: to better understand the definitions, the causes, and the consequences of terrorism. You'd be surprised how much insight sociology can help! By the end of the semester, students will have gained a better understanding of the beliefs of terrorists, the conditions that produce and sustain terrorism, and the role students can themselves play in addressing the threat of terrorism.

Course Format

The Social Origins of Terrorism meets twice a week for interactive lectures, meaning students have ample opportunity to ask questions and initiate discussion each session. There is also a great deal of interaction built into both the reading and written assignments of the course (see below). But don't worry, there are no group projects! :)

Course Homework

There is no textbook for the course! Required readings consist of a variety of timely magazine articles and blog posts, films, scholarly book chapters and journal publications, and even short novels. Students are given the opportunity to work with course concepts and demonstrate their grasp of material through both a class blog on current events as well as a short (4-6 page) final paper. Some sample materials from the course:

Course Syllabus

The course is updated every semester to incorporate the best available material and feedback from students.

Course Teaching Staff

The Social Origins of Terrorism is taught by Professor Ziad Munson. The last time the course was taught, in Fall 2016, the average student rating of Dr. Munson's effectiveness in the course was 4.94 out of 5.

Created By
Ziad Munson

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