Purchase Request Platform

a unified workflow for a library to receive, consider and process book purchase requests

The Purchase Request Platform is designed to:

  • Get more patron input on book purchase requests, from multiple sources.
  • Assist selectors in evaluating the requests with supporting information.
  • Assist technical services staff in acting on them.

The project code is open source and available on GitHub.

Patron Input | Easy Librarian Decision Making | Supporting Information | Technical Information | Contact

The Purchase Request Platform is a project of Lehigh University Libraries.

Patron Input from Multiple Sources

ILL Return Slips

Explicit Patron Input

Patrons circle ‘yes’ to a question on ILL or consortium borrowing return slips that asks “Should our library purchase a copy of this item?"

Duplicate ILL Requests

Implicit Patron Input

Detects multiple, recent interlibrary loan or consortium borrowing requests for the same items, implying that staff should consider a local purchase.

Lost Items

Explicit and Implicit Patron Input

Detects items marked lost, missing or damaged in the ILS/LSP so that they can be considered for replacement, noting if a patron requested the item.

Browser Plug-in

Librarian-initiated Requests

Aimed at librarian selectors, a browser plug-in for easily submitting library purchase requests from book review sites or anywhere else on the web.

Website Form

Explicit Patron Input

A traditional website form for patrons to submit purchase requests. Typically a form page that is part of the existing library website.

Easy Librarian Decision-Making

All purchase requests – from any source – are directed into a single, centralized web-based tool for librarian selectors to review and approve or deny the request. Each request is routed to a specific librarian based on the book’s subject classification.

Flowchart.  Patron input from multiple sources flows into the Workflow Proxy Server, where it is combined with supporting info from library metadata and external sources.  Then a librarian makes the purchase request decision, routing the request to Purchase Approved or Purchase Declined status.  The librarian can also move the request to Pending Review status for later consideration.  After technical services staff buys the print or ebook, the status becomes Purchase Completed.

Kanban board

Jira’s kanban boards make it easy for librarians to visualize and make decisions about the requests in their queue.

A kanban board showing New, Pending Review, Approve, Declined, and On Shelf statuses.

Supporting Information

Each incoming request is automatically enriched with information to save staff time and support decision-making, including:

Any Current Local Holdings

in any format.

Consortial Holdings

from one or more consortia.

Vendor Pricing and Availability

including hardcover, paperback and digital formats.

Requester Details

such as their role (faculty, undergraduate, etc.) and department.

Current data sources and other integrations include:

  • Jira
  • Restyaboard
  • OCLC WorldCat
  • ILLiad
  • ReShare
  • ProQuest OASIS
  • Amazon
  • ISBNdb
  • Directory of Open Access Books
  • LDAP
  • Google Sheets
  • Email reporting

Technical Information

Source code, configuration and technical documentation are available on GitHub.


Contact Maccabee Levine and Dan Huang at Lehigh University for additional information.